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Modern Supernatural:


(Newest idea, still working on a write-up)

She is a wealthy heiress who knows people only care about her for her money. But she wants to DO something. An old rundown theatre in a bad neighborhood was set for demolition three times and three times something odd stopped the destruction. She has purchased the theatre and is hiring workers to make it great again. She is actually a great singer, but had kept it a secret, the one beautiful secret thing in her life. He could be a worker, a drama student, anyone who would happen by and hear her singing, look at the theatre and see something worth saving. Things go form there. But there is some weirdness in the theatre (Phantom of the Opera-esque) that takes an interest in her and doesn't like him much, giving us the supernatural element.



(1) Some days, it just didn't pay to get up in the morning. Kelyn had a lot of 'those days.' As an investigator and general ass-kicker of the things that go bump in the night, she'd seen more than her share of bad. And yet when a particularly mundane looking case and the vanilla mortal PI on the other end get involved, it ends up being everything but mundane. How can Kelyn balance the world of crazy and the sanity of her unwitting partner to solve the case and keep the whole world from having 'one of those days.'

(I have quite a bit casewise built for this. My thought is it is a missing persons case. Twice a year, on the solstices, someone disappears. I have the case notes written and will happily share more)



(2) Life has always been somewhat boring for him. He lost mom and dad in a car crash at 17 and he is effectively the last of his line (on mom's side.) Usually, the last of a bloodline is sad, but no big deal. Except for today. Today, at the end of another boring day, where the most he had to look forward to was another microwave meal and the potential of reruns on the satellite when the whole world changed and everything he knew about what is real and what is make believe is thrown out the window. Attacked by a monster best described by a werewolf and saved by a beautiful if strong willed woman, he has to follow her lead and trust her truths if he is going to make sense of the new reality he's found himself thrust into. His life may have been boring - but it promises not to be so any longer.



As the character, all he would know is The Parnell line was always a little weird. His mother was a Parnell before marrying his father (who quickly did he best to cut them off from the 'weird side' of the family. Aside from that, he's nothing special. Sometimes he thinks things just a moment before they happen - like knowing who is on the other end of the phone when it rings. Stuff everyone knows.


As the player... well, back in the old times, before mankind really had a footing, creatures called Terrors walked the earth. All those bad things of myth and legend, all the monsters under the bed. Real... or were. Two men, A Parnell and a Padaric fought back the Terrors, turning the tide against them in a brutal battle that cost them both their lives. But it sealed the Terrors behind a rift. The maintenance of the rift and the care of the Parnell and Padraic lines were left to the Mahdi family - an ancient family of mystics out of India. Fast forward to today. All those random stories, tabloids of werewolves 
and vampires and things that go bump in the night. Terrors. There are tears in the rift now that the bloodlines have run thin. The Padaric line was lost nearly 50 years ago and the last Parnell goes though his boring life not knowing just who he is... until that night when everything changed and Anorah Mahdi, on the bloody end of an attacking Terror, brings his normal world crashing down. He would end up developing his own set of powers - I have found water or ice based powers work best.



(3) A 'ghost' has wandered the earth alone for hundreds of years, unsure of why he or she is stuck on this plane. Previous past deeds weight heavy and the 'ghost' simply longs to be sent home. Comes across the home of a 'ghost hunter' a heavy hitter with some magical powers that help dispel the ties that bind. This is no regular 'ghost-hunter' this is for the crazy stuff. Said ghost-hunter can actually see and touch said spirit, creating a connection between the two of them that draws them both down a dangerous path. Is the ghost-hunter supposed to dispel the spirit, can they, with this strange and wonderful connection growing between them.

(I would rather play the ghost hunter, but would be willing play the ghost instead if needed.)



(4) Something was wrong. He or she wasn't sure what, but a terrible feeling had been building over the past few days. It was that feeling that prompted he/she to get in the car and drive to a mild mannered suburban. That same feeling that prompted him/her to leave her car and break into the mild mannered house where the wrongness was so drastic, it was almost sickening. What he/she finds will forever change his/her understanding of the world, the truth about it, a just what is waiting on the other side.


(What he or she finds is actually an angel or other supernatural creature of such, being held captive, tortured and drained by a scientist/wizard that dragged them down from the higher planes. Naturally, the angel with know many things, yet be totally unfamiliar with the world in the corporal sense. Terrified and barely able to communicate, they pair will have to come to understand each other as well as deal with the powers above, below, and on the mortal plane that are after this precious prize. Note: Naturally, the mortal is special in some way for having felt this and come to the angels rescue in the first place. I'm happy to play either role on this one. Mortal or angel.)

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